Thursday, April 9, 2009


I really hate that I LOVE Yu! && when I said it I ment it. If only yuu knew how it felt when yuu left. Idk what its going to take to show yuu that Im the one yuu needa be w/ && these otha bxtches yuu might be messin w/ now is S H X T! Yeah I still text yuu, talk to yuu, && hang w/ yuu like everything is okay; bt it isnt. Everytime I look @ yuu...memories of how we use to be pops up :(

that yuu can make me smile by doing the dumbest things;
we could talk on the phone for 3hours straight && juss listen to each other breather;
that both of us would sneak out the house, risk getting in trouble, juss to see each other;
that seeing yuu @ school made my whole dayy;
yer style, personality, &&swagg;
yuu put me in front of all yer friends;
all the dumb little nicknames/insiders we had w/ each other;
all the stuff we had in common;
when we got into arguments the "making up" was the best part;
when yuu use to come to my lunch juss to see me;
--I can on for days.

that i agreed that it was okayy for us to still be cool after we broke up;
all the stuff that i didnt do while we were together;
that yuu still "love me" but we havent held a full convo since SB let out;
that yer irrisitable--everytime i try to ged awat from yuu..i cant;
that i think about yuu day&&night and yuu probuly have no clue;
yuu probuly moved on, but i havent;
that i ged over excited about every text i ged from yuu;
&& most of all i hate that i probuly wont ged to tell yuu any of this.

StillInLove&&HatingIt< / 3

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